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Christian Testimonies Videos
People turning their lives over to the Lord Jesus Christ and talking about it openly
"Once I was a slave but now I am a son; once I was dead but now I am alive; once I was darkness but now I am light in the Lord; once I was a child of wrath, an heir of hell, but now I am an heir of heaven; once I was Satan's bond-servant but now I am God's freeman; once I was under the spirit of adoption that seals up to me the remission of my sins, the justification of my person and the salvation of my soul."
Thomas Brooks
Jeremy tells his story how he meets a good Christian woman named Melissa. They would date for awhile but soon they would break up. Sometime would go by and Jeremy would find out that Melissa had been hospitalized with a diagnoses of cancer.
When he visited her that day, they would make a connection again and eventually would get back together. Listen to how he helped her to fight her battle against cancer while they ended up getting married. This is a very heart warming and tragic account that could lead to inspiration and encouragement.
Christian Testimonies
The Bobby Zimmerman's Testimony
Jose Vega talks about the moment he'd witness to Bobby Zimmerman about the Lord Jesus Christ when Bobby had visited him at his salon one day. Bobby had asked Jose if he wanted his grass cut around the salon, and if he could cut it. Jose would agree to let him do it, and while Bobby was cutting the grass, he'd accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior. This is a very touching story that has both a tragic and joyful ending.
Christian Testimonies
Uttam a Former Hindu is Healed by Jesus - Accepts Jesus as his Savior
This is a story about a young man who followed in the ways of Hinduism and had learned that he had a chronic heart condition. This is something he would deal with as he was growing up.
Uttam would decide to set off on his own and it was at this time he learned that along with the other health problems he was battling -- he now had blood cancer. Watch him share how Jesus healed him and how he turned his life over to the one true God.
Christian Testimonies Video
Dougie March, born in the North East of England. Raised to fight before he could write, served time in seven different prisons for violence. See how Jesus changed his life.
Christian Testimonies
Ashley - The Teen Who Lived Two Different Lifestyles
Ashley tells how she was living a double life. On one hand she was claiming to be a Christian and was trying to get close to God - so it seemed. On the other hand, she was living a fast and hard lifestyle.
She would live a life of drugs, drinking and self-affliction. Listen to how Jesus helped her to turn away from her worldly life and dedicate herself whole heartily to the Lord.
Christian Testimonies
Chris Harrison Saved from the Streets - Turns His Life Over To The Lord
Chris tells his story about how he lived the street life by doing drugs and had developed an inner hate for everything. After surviving a drug overdose and jail time, he would find himself at a Christian program called 'Teen Challenge.'
This would lead to him turning his life around by giving it over to Jesus Christ. But he would soon endure more hardships, and because of this he would run away from God. Listen to how he finally turned his life around for good and gave up running away from God - to running towards Him.
A Testimony about Jesus Christ
Dianne Partian - Freed From Lesbianism
Dianne talks about her she was raped by a male relative starting when she was thee years old. It was these types of experiences that caused her to turn to drugs, alcohol and women. She talks about her severe hatred with herself and men, so therefore she became suicidal. Listen to how she learned about the Lord Jesus Christ and how she gave herself over to him.
A Testimony about Jesus Christ
Annie Lobert - High Class Call Girl Finds a Higher Calling
Annie talks about how she came from being a very promiscuous teenage girl from Minnesota. She would deal with experiences of being date raped and how she would end up stripping. She would find herself being led into the arms of a drug dealing pimp, for five years.
When the relationship had turned abusive, she decided to leave him, in which she had nothing left. She would reach a point to where she would become lonely and suicidal. Listen to how she found Jesus and turned her life over to the Lord.
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