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As His Days Come to an End -- He Begins to Reflect on His Life

And it's at this time, that the Sacred Record informs us -- that Isaac was about 137 years old, when he'd first started thinking about, how his days on this earth were coming to an end.

(Bible Study Online Article Covers : Genesis 27:1-5)

Short Recap?

In the last article, we'd learned that Esau was probably at a stage in his life -- where he was found to be in an open rebellion, when it came to his parents beliefs -- both religiously, and socially.

For the Sacred Record would reveal, that Esau, didn't follow in the ways of the Lord, like he was doing:

"See that no one is sexually immoral, or is godless like Esau, who for a single meal sold his inheritance rights as the oldest son.

"Afterward as you know, when he wanted to inherit his blessing, he was rejected. He could bring about no change of mind, though he sought the blessing with tears." -- (Hebrews 12:16-17)

Nor, did he adhere to their concerns, when it came to the type of woman that he should consider marrying:

"When Esau was forty years old, he married Judith daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and also Basemath daughter of Elon the Hittite. They were a source of grief to Isaac and Rebekah" -- (Genesis 26:34-35)

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Why Esau Was Wrong?

Notice how the passage, reveals the ancestry of the two women, that Esau had decided to marry? For we find, that Esau's new wives, were from the clan of the Hittites. Now the reason why this is of great importance, deals with the fact -- that the Hittites (who were also known, as the The Children of Heth) were direct descendants, of Heth. Keep in mind, that he was one of Canaan's sons. Remember, that Canaan was the grandson of Noah, who ended up being cursed by God: "Cursed be Canaan! The lowest of slaves will he be to his brothers." -- (Genesis 9:25)

And because of this curse, it wouldn't have been a smart idea -- to marry into a family, that had fallen on the wrong side of God. As a matter of fact, it was during this time -- that the Canaanites were known, and had the reputation; of being a civilization, that was full of very wicked and sinful people. And since the Hittites had shared the same ancestry with the Canaanites, this association alone, had landed them a spot, on the "women who are off limits" list.

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Abraham Was Also Concern?

Remember, that Isaac's father Abraham, had these same concerns? For we had learnt, a while ago -- that he had sent his chief servant Eliezar, on a specific wife-finding-mission, for his son Isaac. And it would at this time, that the Sacred Record would also reveal, that Abraham had given Eliezar strict instructions, when it came to the type of woman, that he should seek out for his son Isaac. And these instructions, dealt with Abraham telling Eliezar, that he wasn't to go, and find Isaac a wife from the land of the Canaanites.

And the same wife finding approach, would also hold true for Isaac -- when it came to whom his sons would marry, and what households their future wives would belong to. However that may have been, we now find, that Esau had decided to go against his parents wishes, by marrying into the Canaanite nation. And this is why, Esau's actions, had irritated both his parents: "[Esau's wives] were a source of grief to Isaac and Rebekah." But also know, that in spite of his recent actions, Esau would still hold tremendous favor with his father.

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Isaac Reflects On His Time?

Nonetheless, we now move forward. And it's at this time, that the Sacred Record informs us -- that Isaac was about 137 years old, when he'd first started thinking about, how his days on this earth were coming to an end. And perhaps, it was also at this time, that he was thinking about his own brother Ishmael? For we must keep in mind, that Ishmael had passed, when he too -- was 137 years of age. But you know, I have to honestly admit, this is just an assumption on my part.

However, when we take a look at the other hand (as we would say, here in the west) -- not only did Isaac fear that his time was nearing, but we are also told -- that the vision in his eyes were so weak, that he could no longer see with them: "My son..." Isaac called for Esau. "Here I am!" Esau answered as he sat by his side.

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Esau Loved His Father?

Now personally, I like to think -- that Esau had loved his father, just as much, as his father loved him. Now I point this out, because we should notice, that the Sacred Record didn't indicate that Esau had to be located? Notice, how when his father called out to him, in his weak and fragile voice? Notice, how Esau was right there by his side, and how immediately answered: "My son..." Isaac called for Esau. "Here I am!" Esau answered

One can't help but to wonder, if at this point from within Esau's life -- if he'd stayed constantly by his father's side, perhaps for long hours, as each day would pass by? However, we now find Isaac telling his son: "I am now an old man and don't know the day of my death. Now then, get your weapons -- your quiver (sword) and bow - and go out to the open country to hunt some wild game for me. Prepare me the kind of tasty food I like and bring it to me to eat, so that I may give you my blessing before I die." -- Genesis 27:2,3

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God's Message to Rebekah?

Now before we move forward, I would like to point out a few more things, before I close out this article. For we must keep in mind, that the events that are now taking shape from within Isaac's household -- the Lord had already foretold to Rebekah, while she was still pregnant with the two boys: "Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger." -- (Genesis 25:23)

Understand that this was the response, that Rebekah had received from God -- after she was found to be extremely concerned, about the uneasiness that she was feeling, while she was pregnant with the two boys. Notice that within that particular passage, God would let Rebekah know, that the older son (Esau), will serve the younger (Jacob).

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Is Isaac Trying to Out Maneuver God?

So I want you to somewhat understand, that what we have going on here -- is the possibility, that Isaac might be trying to go around the plan, that the Lord had already laid out for the two boys? Now, I make this statement, based on the fact -- that it would seem, like Isaac is planning a special blessing for his favorite son Esau, in spite of what the Lord had foretold Rebekah.

Now my reasoning for this assumption, deals with the mere fact -- that Isaac had loved Esau so much, that he didn't want his son to be left out, when it came to the Abrahamic Covenant that had been placed on his household. I mean after all, Esau was himself, a seed of Abraham.

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To Be Fair to Isaac?

Now to be fair to Isaac, we're not told if he knew about the prophecy, that Rebekah had received from the Lord. And honestly, we can only assume -- that Isaac knew about Esau's selling of his birthright, to his younger brother Jacob? Nonetheless, as we take a quick look forward -- here's a little peak, at the special blessing, that Isaac had planned for Esau: "May nations serve you and peoples bow down to you. Be lord over your brothers, and may the sons of your mother bow down to you." -- Genesis 27:29

Now I want you to observe something, when it comes to this part of the special blessing (which we will go more into, in the next article) the one that Isaac had planned for Esau: "May nations serve you and peoples bow down to you. Be lord over your brothers, and may the sons of your mother bow down to you."

Now notice how this special blessing totally goes against the prophecy, that God had foretold to Rebekah, when she was pregnant with the boys: "Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the older [Esau] will serve the younger [Jacob]." -- (Genesis 25:23)

Very interesting, to state the least.

In the next Bible Study Online Article:

Oh well, things get a little bit more interesting in my next article, for I want you to know, that I will try to tie most of this together. I mean after all, did Isaac know about Esau's bad decision, when it came to Esau selling his birthright? Will Esau be anxious, and excited, to receive Isaac's special blessing? Will he care? Will God let Isaac out maneuver Him? We'll see...?

May God blessings be upon you, and thank you for your support

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39) Jacob - Loyalty or Deception

40) Deceitful Hearts

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42) Esau's Heart of Vengeance

43) Jacob - The Path of Uncertainty

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