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Isaac's Special Blessing

Esau the Great Red Hunter -- My Son, Is That Really You?

And being that Jacob's hands were made to be hairy, in order for them, to resemble the hands of his brother Esau -- for it would be, just a matter of time, before Jacob would finally convince his father Isaac -- that he was indeed, Esau his favorite son. And this is why we find Isaac, once again, asking Jacob: "Are you really my son Esau?" And needless-to-say, Jacob responded, by saying: "I am."

(Bible Study Online Article Covers : Genesis 27:18-29)

Short Recap

In the last article -- I'd tried to explain the closeness, of Rebekah and Jacob's relationship. I attempted to do this, by pointing out -- how at all times, Rebekah had stood by Jacob side -- and she did this, even while he was probably feeling unloved, and abandon -- when it came to his father Isaac.

Now although the Sacred Record doesn't specifically confirm, the things that I've laid out, when it came to Rebekah and Jacob's relationship.

The Sacred Record do make it quite clear, that Isaac and Rebekah, had their favorites -- when it came to the two boys:

"Isaac, who had a taste for wild game, loved Esau, but Rebekah loved Jacob." -- Genesis 25:28

Now I went through all of this, so I can try to get you to understand -- why Jacob had decided to go along with his mother's plans (even though he knew she was wrong), when it came to deceiving his father Isaac.

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Jacob & Rebekah -- Bad & Spiteful -- I disagree?

Know that I believe, that Jacob and Rebekah weren't the bad and spiteful people, that most would try to make them out to be. For I also hold the viewpoint, that Rebekah did what she did -- because she was tired of seeing Jacob, being overall, disappointed in himself. I mean after all, she did know -- that one day, Jacob would become a great person. For we must remember, what God had already told her:

"Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the older [Esau] will serve the younger [Jacob]." -- (Genesis 25: 23)

And even though, Rebekah had trusted God enough -- to faithfully receive the message, that He'd brought to her on that day. She would still make the awful mistake, of allowing her natural understanding of things, lead her down the wrong path -- when it came to Jacob's overall well-being. And as for Jacob, how could he had turn down the one person -- who from day one, had always loved him, and stood by his side?

Nonetheless, I will touch more on this later.

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Is That My Son Esau?

However that may have been, let's move forward. For it would seem, that we've finally reached the point, from within the Sacred Record -- where we begin to see, that Rebekah's plan (you know, the one that she had designed against her husband Isaac) was now being put in play. For we find, that as Jacob sat near his father (while pretending to be his older brother Esau), he calls out to him: "My father."

And Isaac would respond, by saying: "Yes my son, who is it?" And Jacob would reply: "I am Esau, your firstborn. I have done as you told me. Please sit up and eat some of my game so that you may give me your blessing." And after hearing this, Isaac would then ask Jacob, who he'd believed to be Esau: "How did you find it so quickly, my son?" And Jacob replied by saying: "The Lord your God, gave me success."

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Come Closer My Son?

Now after Isaac had heard this, he responded by saying: "Come near, so I can touch you, my son -- [So I can] know, whether you really are my son Esau, or not." So we now find, Jacob drawing near to his father. And it would be at this point, Isaac had reached out, in order to touch him. And after doing so, Isaac spoke these words: "The voice is the voice of Jacob, but the hands are the hands of Esau."

Now keep in mind, that at this point from within his life, Isaac's eyesight was extremely weak (and it's quite possible, Isaac was perhaps, completely blind by this time) and this is why, he didn't recognize Jacob. Also remember that Jacob's hands were made to be hairy, in order for them, to resemble the hands of his brother Esau -- for it would be, just a matter of time, before Jacob would finally convince his father Isaac -- that he was indeed, Esau his favorite son. And this is why we find Isaac, once again, asking Jacob: "Are you really my son Esau?" And Jacob responded, by saying: "I am."

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My Son -- Bring Me the Meal?

Now it would be at this point, that Isaac would then instruct (the one he'd believed, to be his favorite son Esau) to bring him some of the prepared game -- so that he may eat, and speak his special blessing, into his son's life. So Jacob would do as his father had instructed him -- by bringing his father the prepared game he'd requested, along with some wine, in which he did drink.

And it would be at this moment, that Isaac would tell his son: "Come here, my son, and kiss me." So Jacob, who had disguised himself as Esau, by dressing up in some of his brother's best clothes -- had also, placed some left over goats skins, around his hands and neck -- went over to kiss his father.

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Isaac's Special Blessing?

Now, once Isaac had caught the smell of his clothes, it would be at this time, Isaac would speak the special blessing unto his life:

"Ah, the smell of my son is like the smell of the field that the Lord has blessed. May God give you of heaven's dew and of earth's richness an abundance of grain and new wine. May nations serve you and peoples bow down to you. Be lord over your brothers, and may the son's of your mother bow down to you. May those who curse you be cursed and those who bless you be blessed." -- Genesis 27:27-29

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The Special Blessing -- Taking A Closer Look?

"May God give you of heaven's dew and of earth's richness an abundance of grain and new wine."

Now personally, I believe that the beginning of this special blessing, was already going to happen? For I hold the viewpoint, that Esau's skills and talents (when it came to conquering the beast of the fields, and his tremendous ability, to subdue the land) was already going, to bring him great rewards.

"May nations serve you and peoples bow down to you. Be lord over your brothers, and may the son's of your mother bow down to you."

Now I believe that this is where, Isaac would find himself in danger, of going against God's Word. For we find him speaking a special blessing, that not only declared Esau, as being a great ruler over other nations -- but Isaac, had also included Jacob. But we must remember -- that this wasn't, what the Lord had spoken to Rebekah, while she was pregnant with the two boys:

"Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger." -- (Genesis 25: 23)

Now it's important that we remember -- that Jacob is the younger brother of the two, and so therefore, according to the Word of the Lord -- Esau is destine to serve him

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Did Isaac Cross the Line?

"May those who curse you be cursed, and those who bless you be blessed."

Now with this statement -- it would seem, that from within this special blessing, Isaac had also tried to incorporate the Abrahamic Covenant as well. You know, the one that Esau had foolishly given away, during his weak moment of hunger? Now here's part of that Abrahamic Covenant that I'm referring to: "I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." -- (Genesis 12:3)

Hmm... Now personally, I find the similarities between the the Abrahamic Covenant, and Isaac's special blessing for Esau -- to be very interesting, to state the least.

In the next Bible Study Online Article:

Now that Isaac, had unknowingly, spoken the special blessing upon Jacob's life. You must be wondering: "How will Esau respond to what just happened? Will he take, what just happen with Isaac and Jacob, well? Or will he become very angry, and vow to seek vengeance against his younger brother?

May God blessings be upon you, and thank you for your support

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34) The Battle of the Wells

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35) Esau the Rebellious

36) Esau the Favorite Son

37) God has Checkmate

38) Rebekah's Deception

39) Jacob the Loyal Son


41) Esau the Son of War

42) Esau's Heart of Vengeance

43) Jacob - The Path of Uncertainty

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