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Page Nineteen
HagarThe Desert Plains of BeershebaHowever, after Abraham had thrown them out, we now find -- that Hagar and Ishmael had wandered around for a bit, and at one point, ended up finding themselves at the desert plains of Beersheba. Now when it comes to Beersheba? Know that it was a place, that was located near the southernmost borders of Canaan. (Bible Study Online Article Covers : Genesis 21:14-18)
Short Recap?In the last article, we'd learned that the family drama, that was taking place between Sarah and Hagar -- had once again, begun to intensify. But the family strife this time around, would come through their sons -- Ishmael and Isaac.

For the Sacred Record would reveal, that one day, during a feast that Abraham was throwing for Isaac -- Sarah would discover Ishmael, mocking and teasing, his much younger half-brother.
And because of Ishmael's behavior, Sarah would arrive from within her family ordeal, at what seemed to be -- her breaking point?
So when Sarah had found Ishmael mocking his younger half-brother Isaac.
Sarah would become enraged, when she saw, how Ishmael was treating Isaac. And because of Ishmael's behavior, Sarah had begun to put intense pressure and demands, on her husband Abraham. For she wanted him to put Hagar and Ishmael out of his household, therefore forcing the two, out into the wilderness.
Bible Study OnlineAbraham Didn't Want to Do This?
Now keep in mind, that Abraham loved Ishmael very much, and that he was deeply bothered by Sarah's request. But also know, that one night God ended up visiting Abraham in a dream, and it's through this dream -- that the Lord would give Abraham the okay, when it came to carrying out Sarah's wishes.
And as that night had passed, and the next day was ushered in, we find Abraham supplying Hagar and Ishmael with some food and water -- as he sent the two on their way, away from his household, and out into the wilderness: "Early the next morning Abraham took some food and a skin of water and gave them to Hagar. He set them on her shoulders and then sent her off with the boy." -- Genesis 21:14
Bible Study OnlineThe Desert Plains of Beersheba?
However, after this had happened, we now find -- that Hagar and Ishmael had wandered around for a bit, and at one point, ended up finding themselves at the desert plains of Beersheba. Now when it comes to Beersheba? Know that it was a place, that was located near the southernmost borders of Canaan.
Also know that Beersheba also played host to the Philistine town and district, that was known as Gerar. Now the name Beersheba, which means "The Well of Oath" -- received it's name, from an "oath covenant" that was made later on between Abraham and the king of Gerar, Abimelech.
Bible Study OnlineFood Supplies Running Low?
Nonetheless, the Sacred Record would also reveal, that later on -- Hagar and Ishmael had eventually ran out of the water, that Abraham had first given to them. For you must keep in mind, that Hagar and Ishmael had already traveled a great distance. Also know, that it would be at this point in time, that the food supply that Abraham had first given them, was now running low as well.
Bible Study OnlineIshmael's Near Death Condition?
The Sacred Record also confirms, that at this point, the two were very hungry and weak -- but it was Ishmael, that was suffering the most? For he could no longer continue onward, when it came to their journey. As a matter of fact, Ishmael was now found, to be in a near death condition. And it's for this reason, that Hagar would stop and place him under one of the nearby bushes.
And after she had done this, know that Hagar had became very sad and concerned, when it came to her son Ishmael. For she just knew, that he wasn't going to make it, and so therefore... she walked off and found a place nearby:
"And the water in the skin was used up, and she placed the boy under one of the shrubs. Then she went and sat down across from him at a distance of about a bowshot; for she said to herself, 'Let me not see the death of the boy.' So she sat opposite him , and lifted her voice and wept." -- Genesis 21:15,16
Bible Study OnlineGod Reaches Out?
Now, soon after this had happened to Ishmael, we now find God reaching out to Hagar: "God heard the boy crying and the angel of God called to Hagar from heaven and said to her, 'What is the matter, Hagar? Do not be afraid; God has heard the boy crying as he lies there. Lift the boy up and take him by the hand, for I will make him into a great nation.'" -- (Genesis 21:17-18)
Now it's at this point, we need to make sure -- that we pay close attention to what's going on with Hagar, and her overall situation. And the reason for this, deals with the possibility, that we could miss a very special moment that's about to take place from within Hagar's life? For it would seem, that all of a sudden, the Sacred Record shifts its focus immediately towards her son Ishmael... or does it?
Bible Study OnlineWho Was God Responding To -- Hagar or Ishmael?
Understand, that up to this point, we've been reading about -- how Hagar had been fighting for their survival, while they were wandering around in the wilderness. Next we're told, that Ishmael had became gravely sick, and very weak from the journey. And again, it was Ishmael's dire health condition, that had caused Hagar to lay him down by a bush -- so he could rest, or worse, pass away peacefully.
So make no mistake, Hagar was afraid that Ishmael would probably die at this point, and again, this is why she went away from the boy. Now she didn't go too far, but far enough -- so she couldn't see Ishmael suffering from starvation, and his severe dehydration. And needless-to-say, it was at this point, that Hagar had begun to cry. And it's also at this time, that we find God coming on the scene, in which He acknowledges the cries of Ishmael. But what a minute, what about Hagar?
Bible Study OnlineWhy Is This Important?
Understand that I'm pointing these things out, because I don't want you to think that God felt that Hagar's cries weren't worth His attention. As a matter of fact, it was the complete opposite? It was the concerns of Hagar that actually brought God down for a visit. Keep in mind, that Hagar's main concern was not for her well-being, but instead... they were for her son Ishmael.
You see, Hagar and Ishmael, were out in the wilderness of Beersheba -- with no food, or water resources to be found nearby. And Hagar knew, that if Ishmael did not get anything in his body soon, something that would help him to be refreshed and strengthen -- then she knew, that he would surely die. And again, this would lead to a visitation by God, for we now find Him... coming down to reassure Hagar, that everything was going to be alright.
Bible Study OnlineRemember What God told Hagar?
And also remember, that the Lord told Hagar, that she should go back over to Ishmael, and take his hand and lift him up -- for he will become a great nation: "God heard the boy crying and the angel of God called to Hagar from heaven and said to her, 'What is the matter, Hagar? Do not be afraid; God has heard the boy crying as he lies there. Lift the boy up and take him by the hand, for I will make him into a great nation.'" -- (Genesis 21:17-18)
In the next Bible Study Online Article: So we just learned that the angel of the Lord, had came down and paid Hagar visit. And it would be during this visit, that we find God giving Hagar reassurance, when it came to her son Ishmael and his overall health. However, in the next article, we'll begin to move forward, and we'll find out if Hagar and Ishmael will be able to survive the wilderness -- and possibly, what will come of them.
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